May 04, 2005

That's Why They Call It Work

That is what I say to the wife in the morning as she bemoans that she doesn't like/want to go to her job. "But that's why the call it work", I say. Well, this morning she appropriately threw that phrase in my face. I was complaining about having to spend the day at a client's babysitting their A/V equipment for a policy meeting. I hindsight it wasn't such a bad day - just mind-numbing. Made even more so by my recent mantra to shun manual, repetitious labor for high-concept, high end creative works.

Still, these gigs are all bad. The free food - tea, scones, muffins, sandwiches - help the hours pass. For the eight hours I spent there I only did two things - place a call to the UK and manipulate Powerpoint slides which only took 90 minutes of my eight-hour work day. The rest of the time I surreptitiously read Wired magazines I brought from home.


At 8:31 PM, Blogger Owen said...

Amen to that. Thank god for blogger...

And I enjoy the Futurama reference in your title - where would we be without Elzar and his spice weasel?

At 8:31 PM, Blogger Jason said...

Hey, Owen.

Cheers for the Futurama catch. The 'spice weasel' gag was one of the 1st things that endeared me to the Futurama series. Great series - it was bittersweet buying the 4th and last DVD.

At 12:38 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I think I would hit someone in the head with a large, blunt heavy object if they told me in the morning that "that's why it's work" when I was whining that I didn't want to go and that I hate it (which I have been known to do from time to time). Lucky for you Dawn seems to not have the violent tendencies that I do ;-) haha.

At 12:49 PM, Blogger Jason said...

It helps that she's sleepy. She doesn't yet have the where-with-all to bonk me over the head that early in the morning


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