In The Army Now

I'm going to Ft. Jackson for work next week. Since it's hot in South Carolina - and in the spirit of the corps - I thought it fun to shave my head. Less hair means I'm not so hot as we videotape recruits negotiating their way through basic training. Obviously, I won't be posting next week. Even if I was near a computer I'm going to be dog-tired. In one week, baby.

a) damn son! now that's a haircut you can set your watch to.
b) when i first read your post, i thought it said "I won't be posing next week" and i thought "with that haircut, he shouldn't be posing at all!"
Hiyo! That's a tight buzz, baby.
I am so sad! Why would you do that to yourself, especially while you still HAVE the hair....?!
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