August 25, 2005

High Speed

Things on really on fire. Deadlines at work are moving at an incredible pace. Things are coming and going so fast that the project I worked as a cameraman on Monday has shipped to the client. The results was a standing ovation from them, which the business office shared with the company this morning. When the announcement was over, I turned to a co-worked and asked what project that was only then to learn that I was a part of it. Crazy.

The pace at home isn't much of a relief. Sure, I can kick back, but I got used to the wife taking care of the house chores since she is on summer break. Now that she is visiting friends in Texas I'm finding my usual serene recreation schedule cluttered with chores and such. No fun.

Still, I'm rather proud of the creative work I've accomplished this week. Which probably makes me lame for saying it out loud.


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