August 08, 2005


With our credit reports in hand and all of our money scrapped together we've thrown ourselves into the home-ownership circuit. For us, the process moves at a glacierial pace. Get some paperwork in order = one weekend; Figure out what we can honestly afford and what we can do without = one week. We've seen a variety of places - one with a condemned deck, one with standing water in the basement - and no large difference in prices. It's a slow process, but I really don't mind. If we were moving at a faster clip, I think I would be a lot more anxious about it. But we've been over the numbers again and again, late at night, in the dark, and I truly honestly think we are in a very good position to own a 'home'.

We haven't actually bid on a place. We have found two places that we were willing to put a contract on. One place was going off the market right as we saw it; at the other the realtor raised the price by $10K after the 1st day of showing it. Still, with nothing to show, I feel that we are getting closer to what will be the home for us. We've found the neighborhood we want to live in, now we just need a place.

And once we get it you all are, like, totally invited over for a kegger.


At 4:19 PM, Blogger Michelle said...

I thought about buying my own condo after I finished my's just daunting for me at this point. Especially with prices around here. Yikes!

So I admire your gumptions. Good luck finding a place! :)

At 6:30 PM, Blogger Jason said...

Thanks. It is really crazy out there for wanna-be homeowners. Good luck to you as well

At 11:03 AM, Blogger Jason said...

Thats why you have landlords, my friend. Give the punk a call!!!


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