September 07, 2005

Gas Pains

$45.00 for 14 gallons of gas. I drove my car until the gas gage bottomed out. It's more than twice what I remember paying for gas in a less crisis-filled time. If relief doesn't come soon, I'll be taking public transportation to work. Fortunately this is a more viable option for me than for the wife. Every little bit helps with the household bottom line. Plus I'll be getting additional cardio exercise.


At 9:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to say, I moved a short walk away from work just in time since I used to burn through gas just sitting in unmoving traffic getting out of the interchange. It's better for stress levels as well :-) I was the epitome of a "road rage" driver most days by the time I got in.

At 10:05 PM, Blogger Jason said...

Good for you. More people should take your lead and move closer to work, if possible. Me? I didn't do that (although I moved slightly closer to work I moved away from convienent public transportation).

Still, good for you. The cost of yesterday's gas is also the exact cost of a PSP game + shipping from

At 2:46 PM, Blogger SB said...

You guys should move to California. We don't even know what public transportation MEANS around here.

"That's like, when you use HOV right?"


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