May 14, 2003

yo. for some stu-pid reason it is taking way too long for me to download something from C-net. I'm try to download a 'zip/unzip' program so I can watch the 1st four of the "Animatrix" videos posted at's a grr kinda week.

My poor girlfriend. She's been sick since Friday and on Tuesday she was in such bad shape that I had to take her to the doctor's so they could do a surgial procedure on her. She was in that much pain, poor lass. The crisis has been averted, but she's confined to her house. Now most of us working stiffs would think that a note from our doctor telling our boss that we can't come into work this week + painkillers is a vacation. However, it's kinda boring at her house. She ain't got cable, internet access or a computer. It's a good thing she's hot, otherwise..... ;-)
Even she is admitting bordem. I dug up my old Gameboy (B&W 80's represent!) and grabbed some DVD's for her to watch. So, yes, she's at least got a DVD player.

I'm not going to spell check this cuz I'm beat and I still can't watch the animie videos so y'all can bite me. I'm going to watch Futurama. But first, something to entertain you. Check out the mp3 section.
Fuck the Creationists!


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