February 01, 2005

Raging In The Streets

Like most metropolitan places, traffic around here sucks. There's gridlock, unexplained traffic jams and driving attitudes that resemble war crimes. It's the latter trait that gets my goat the most. I've seen some amazing things happen on my route to work. Over the past months, I've tried not to flip these people the bird or talk smack about them (mostly to myself) as they perform some reckless maneuver. In honesty, what's the point? Since these people have so little regard for themselves and those on the road I doubt they care if I wag my finger or tongue at them.

I should also try to curb my silent wishing. For the more shocking bastards on the road I wish that I find them further up the road pulled over by the police, or upended in a ditch. However, it's not good karma to wish ill on other people. Plus, there are usually innocents involved. tragically, it would seem they bear the worse punishment of their driver's mistakes.

There is also this article in the Wash.Post today. I plan on reading it but have yet to do so. If you beat me to it let me know if it is any good.


At 11:46 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I found it to be a rather interesting article, I actually read it this morning during my at work Washington Post perusing while eating my yogurt. The part I'd like to note is "the region of the brain that inhibits risky behavior is not fully formed until age 25" mostly because I apparently have only 2 months to get all that risky behavior out of my system :-)


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