Rainy (Satur)day
It rained to beat the band in DC this Saturday. What did we do? We cleaned out the garage. I wish I had taken before and after pictures because the difference is amazing. Before, if you needed to get something in the garage you had to step/crawl over so much junk. Now everything is organized against two walls. There is a pile of boxes ready for the coming yardsale, a neatly stacked hardware/painting supplies shelf, and a stack of furniture to sell. Now, when we store trash bags in the garage in anticipation of trash day, I no longer fear walking barefoot in the garage. Or worse, putting something out with the trash that we meant to kept!
I know this doesn't seem like that most exciting thing to post about, however I am amazed at how great it looks in there. You should come over and see. It's really freaking clean.
"It rained to beat the band" is like the coolest thing you've ever written. I don't know if I've ever heard that phrase before but I'm totally stealing it.
As to the rest of it, you're easily amazed. You old man.
You can't call me old! You're 6 days older than I am
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