September 13, 2005


It is such a helpful thing. Recently, I took a 'predictive index' which is like a personality test, but it came with an explanation of the results. Used accordingly, it lets you know what you do well with little or no effort and what you do well with a bit more. I found it interesting because I want know the why behind my personality. While I am generally please with how I've turned out, there are particular aspect of myself I'd like to change. The hardest part is discovering why A leads to B. For me, this test helped lift the veil on some issues.

Other times, you just need 5 minutes to ignore why you are mad/frustrated and figure out the why behind what offended you. It's important because we all get mad at those we love and great relationship can be damaged when we don't stop and analyze our reactions. In doing this, I have found that I am able to have conversations that avoid finger pointing. Instead, they lead to an explanation of why and how I responded to what was said/done. Hoping, that the next time such a situation arises the other will know why responding one way is better than another.
Also, apologies all around help.

Just like we learned as kids, 'knowing is half the battle'.


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