May 18, 2003

So we had a yard sale today. "We" meaning my mom, the missus, and I. The community that my mom lives in held their annual yard sale so the missus hauled a bunch of her junk over. We sold about half the stuff, which is good for two reasons. One, it will only take half the work to return the junk to her apartment, and Two, it is less junk that she will be bringing to the house / apartment that we will eventually be living in. Also, she made $70.

After the yard sale, the missus and I drove all over creation looking at houses for rent. We found a crap shack that is close to work and a nice townhome that is too far away from her work. So maybe next week we will look in Mclean since that is also a good middle point for our commutes. Like the cleaning of the never ends

peace out.


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