June 23, 2003

It took me over 5 hours from getting up at 7:30 am to actually waking up, which occurred at 2pm this afternoon. Needless to say, it's was a difficult day. Prolly much more difficult for the missus (we work for the same company) who had to hear me whine and bitch about going to her rehearsal for most of the day...

Repeat three times to myself: imitation is the highest form of flattery. Or just learn to not care what others think.
There is that fine line between acting like you don't care and simply not caring. I can give off the impression that I don't care what you think of me, however when I leave your presence, what do I do about the sting that remains. Sure, you don't know that I care, however I'm still affected by it. Does that mean I won the sociological battle since I never let on that your lil joke left a sting? Or did I lose the game the moment I let you, a perfect stranger, affect me, regardless of whether or not you know - or even care.


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