June 16, 2003

The saga of house-hunting continues. The missus and I were scheduled to meet with a realtor during our lunch break. However the realtor didn't show up as we waited and waited in front of the house. Then, almost 45 minutes later calls me and says, " I waited around for you guys but left. Where are you? Did you want to see it tomorrow? Or I can come back later today". I called her a liar and hung up on her. But it was not all a bust, we drove around the neighborhood and took down addresses and numbers of the places with 'For Rent' signs. We are seeing two more places tomorrow- score!

So that's about it. I’m on the verge of finishing half-life, but that will have to wait for another night. Great game - can't wait for the sequel due out this fall. "he will deceive you" - creeee-py. g'night all


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