May 27, 2003

Fucking Hell. What a terrible day. Our - Jenny (my roommate) and I - fish died tonight. Sometime during the day "Barcroft" jumped out of his tank, took a long plug off the dresser and died on the floor. When I got home from rehearsal Jenny and I ceremoniously scooped him up in a paper towel and threw him out with the kitchen trash. In the most reverent way of course.
However before I got home, some rat-bastard motherfuck broke into my car and stole: my cd player w/ cd in it, cell phone car charger, bag of lollipops, sunglasses, and various mix tapes. And my car was parked right outside of a church!!! And (I’m guessing here) it occurred only 30 minutes or so before rehearsal ended. I say this because they left my car door open, however when I started my car it turned over without hesitation, meaning that the battery was not being drained for long. Like I said, I'm just guessing.
I'm still pissed, violently, seeing red mad at the punk-ass bitches that did this, however as I drove home I realized it could have been worse. A lot worse. I lost little things. The big, important things were left alone, or most likely just not noticed. My mom's watch and bracelet that I had repaired for her but not given back to her, my checkbook which was in my work briefcase, and my car.
Stupid Sad Sack Day.
It's time for a sympathy beer.


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