May 26, 2003

I hope everyone had a nice Memorial Day weekend. Friday and Saturday were used to relax. The girlfriend and I camped out in front of the tv and watched AMC's Memorial weekend movie marathon. We watched a bunch of WWII movies - The Glory Brigade, Force 10 from Navarone, To Hell & Back, Deer Hunter, Casualties of War and Platoon all courtesy of the magic of American Movie Classics. I also finally watched the new re-release of "Straw Dogs" on DVD that was loaned to me. Disturbing movie, slow and violent, but then that's Sam Peckinpah for you. Sunday I had kickball practice. However since the weekend was a wash-out weather-wise only 6 people from our team showed up. So everyone took turns kicking and fielding in the rain and mud before we moved the whole event over to a friend' house for BBQ in a garage. Oh, and I got my muffler problem fixed to the tune of $200 dollars. Stupid car...

My day off from work was spent seeing "Matrix Reloaded". Good, not great, in my opinion. I found it clunky in the beginning and slow to start, however once the gang got around to 'doing something' about their problem the film didn't let go. I'd recommend it, however I already know that the people that read this blog have already seen it. Hi Sam, Hi Adam, Hi Kim.

So far X-men 2 is the best bet for this summer. Okay, time for bed. I've got run rehearsal tomorrow night so I don't know if I'll be around to update this. Peace, y'all


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