November 16, 2003

Last week was a long, long, long week that seemed like it would never end. And that's bad because I had Monday off! Nothing really made it a 'bad' week; it just seemed to take for.ever for Friday to roll around. That may have been because this weekend was our trip up to NYC to hang out with the sister and her BF. The wait was certainly worth it! Most of the people I know would agree that NYC rocks, but this weekend was cool thanks to all the little things. My kid sister and her BF were our tour guides. Instead of hearing things like 'this building is notable because of 'x' piece of social history', we heard things like 'this is the trashcan I puked in on my 20th birthday', 'this is where our friends witnessed a massive fight between jazz nerds' and so on.

Since we stayed at my sister's apartment in Hoboken, I spent my first 15 minutes walking around the apartment recognizing things that she took from our mom's house to decorate with. My sister and I got a big kick out of it. Highlights of the weekend were getting shop at Other Music, an excellent dinner out, and seeing the fiancé’s friend Jen. The one low-point was missing out on "The Matrix Revolutions" on an IMAX screen. That would have been kick-ass.

Regardless, now I want to move to NYC.


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