April 15, 2004

Top Five

The following records have experienced high-rotation on the stereo. This isn't a top five records of the year. Just a top five records that I've immersed myself in, that I can not escape, that get repeated the moment they finish.

1) Jim Guthrie - Now, More Than Ever [2004]
2) The Shins - chutes Too Narrow [2003]
3) Broken Social Scene - You Forgot It In People [2002]
4) The Wrens - The Meadowlands [2003]
5) Supersilent - 6 [2003]

Now, not all of these records are for everyone. However, I strongly encourage my readership (all 3 of you) to seek out the Jim Guthrie album. It is a pop album framed around lush orchestration and folk flourishes. I highly suspect that this album will become my #1 driving home from (x) event this summer.

Okay, I promise not to do a 'Top Five Record' list for a while. I know it's lame.


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