July 06, 2003

ah, Sunday evening. today was certainly the most low-key of all days. woke up early to discover that I've spent all the money my budget will allow, which translates into no cd player for jason's car. Which is a shame because I really wanted to help restart America's economy (and have a cd player in my car). So after that sad realization, I went over to the missus to help her clean her apartment. Once I got home I piddled around for a bit - some IM, some email, some gaming, finished watching the Outlaw Star DVD that was loaned to me.

I developed a wicked headache at some point in the afternoon. Watching Outlaw Star didn't get rid of it, neither did coffee. So I went to Wendy's and got me some dinner. That seemed to help it.

I watched Independence Day on the tele tonight. For certain reasons (lack of acting, direction, rational plot development) I don't like the movie. However I do like watching Jeff Goldblum interact w/ his fellow actors. If they made a buddy movie with him and a paper bag I bet I would still like it. Good man.

I've got Prefuse 73's "one word extinguisher" on the cd player...


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