November 20, 2003

A week of wedding

This was (one of many, I’m sure) a week of wedding activities. Surely nothing as grand as the last days before the wedding, but those unglamorous, behind the scenes stuff. Tuesday we found one of those old photo booths and took a couple of pictures inside so I can start designing the "save-the-date" cards. Tonight we went to a caterer in Georgetown DC for a menu tasting. The food was good; the people were not as impressive. The owner was all right, but her assistant or whatever she is was a complete nut job. She complained about her bum ankle, her family, her job et al. I might have been a bit more receptive to all that IF she had not spent 30 mins on the phone while we sat waiting for her, with nothing to do (or eat). I don't want to sound cruel, but if I'm only a contract away from giving someone more money that I've ever owned (or technically have at this point) I expect undivided attention. I'm not your friend, I don't want to be your friend, I simply want you to do your job and get on with it. It was the unprofessionalism that got to me.

I get my annual review at work tom. That should be "fun". At least I'll get all that bonus and raise money that they promised us when we 'agreed' as a company to forgo bonuses and raises last year during the shitty economy. That is if they keep their promise

Oh, tonight's ER looks sweet so it’s time to go. I like things that crash and explode.


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