December 17, 2003

It's Christmas outside, baby

Granted it not hard to notice when Christmas has arrived (according to the commerce sector it's three days before Thanksgiving) however there have been a few signs that may or may not have been directed at yours truly.

Sign 1: Santa Claus ridding atop a fire truck through my neighborhood on a Friday night.

Sign 2: I cut a 20 minute holiday video/DVD for our company's CEO who is overseas serving his country. Inbetween interviews by veteran and new employees alike, as well as shots of the building decked out I stuck songs from this holiday cd.

Sign 3: Various packages arrive at the house every couple of evenings. The doorbell rings and either the fiancé or I jump up to get the package and whisk it away for wrapping later depending on which of us is expecting something to arrive in the mail.



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