November 28, 2003

Sick...Really sick....then BETTER

Monday the illness took a turn for the worse. Tuesday I went to doctor who told me I had pneumonia and prescribed me antibiotics.

Really sick:
Said antibiotics made me throw up all day. So I got new antibiotics that didn't make me ralf up my much needed nourishment.

After that I got much better.

Of course, not fast enough to systematically mess up 4 different persons' Thanksgiving plans. Nothing like that to make you feel important. Everyone was headed to fiancé’s aunt's house for thanksgiving dinner. However, when the fiancé and I bowed out, my mum and my sister and her BF had to change directions down to DC. With 5 less people coming to dinner in Allentown PA there was a lot of leftover food at the fiancé’s aunt's. D'oh.

Dispite the change in plans, the fiance and I had a lovely thanksgiving dinner today. Afterwards, we went of to the mum's to have dessert with her, sister and sister's BF. I hope everyone had a great thanksgiving. Mine was the best I could hope for.

peace out


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