May 06, 2004

The Mysteries of Life

I had my allergy testing on Wednesday. I get these every couple of year so the doctors can fine-tune my allergy shots. When the doc got the results back he asked me a bunch of questions concerning my sinus congestion. I was under the impression that my sinus were freaking out because of the sky rocketing levels of pollen. According to my fresh batch of allergy results I should not be that allergic to spring pollen. So he ordered an x-ray of my enormous head. It turns out I?ve had a sinus infection for the last 3 weeks and that something is growing in my sinus cavity. They don?t know what it is though - which is why I?m having a CAT scan tomorrow morning. Thus the mystery will be solved. Hopefully?

To keep our minds off what it might actually be growing in my head (spider eggs, spanish gold, pocket change) let?s visit some web sites of recent interest.

First up: The back of my sister's head was on TV(click the link then click the 1st link in the list). This is a horrible streaming video (more like flip-book) but near the end look for an audience member wearing an orange/pink jacket in the front row. That?s my sister.

Next: A break-dancing bear and his hip-hop friends.

And last: An interesting read about the Savannah School of Art & Design. I thought about enrolling here for graduate school but my college advisor recommended against it. For good reason; I don?t think greed, pipe bombs, censorship, and RICO investigations are conducive to a positive learning environment.


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