June 04, 2004

Alt.No Luck

Whatever time I didn't spent out of the office on a production shoot I spent huddled over a laptop. My goal was to understand, and ultimately fix, a software glitch. Our company bought this very expensive, very powerful laptop with a bunch of external junk that allows us to import video feeds and encode them for watching on the web. The problem is that when you run two different kind of encoding programs - a necessity for these events - the machine crashes to the infamous blue screen.

Amazing I finally got the machine working by the end of the day. However when I called my manager up to explain what steps were required for a successful encoding the whole thing crapped out again. So four days later, the machine is no better than when I started, yet it is still being flown to San Diego with kid gloves and desperate prayer that it will work once again.

Pray for Josh, certainly, but also pray for my manager and this damned laptop.


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