December 16, 2004

Holiday Hustle

Whoa, boy, it is busy around here. We have guests coming in tomorrow night, leaving Monday. Then Wednesday and Thursday we have family coming into town. This holiday season is unique on many levels. It's our first Christmas as a married couple, we are traveling to Florida with a number of our relatives, and it is mom's first time back to the states since moving overseas. That last item makes this holiday a personal challenge. We are living in Mom's house while she is away. I don't want to buck any family holiday trends. Still, we'd want to put a personal touch on the decorating; illustrating that we care while respecting past holiday's hosted by mom. This probably seems like a finer line to walk for the wife; however since it's my family I'm confident they will be happy with what we've done. If they don't, then I say get the hell out of my house! Ha!

This mad dash to clean - along with the rest of the holiday requirements - has left little time for anything else. 'Else' includes updating this blog with meaningful posts, rather than cliched topics like 'I'm busy' and 'Work is hard'. Lame!

December 11, 2004


I sold our family's 96 Honda Accord this week. This was my second attempt at selling a used car to the public at large. This first attempt was a rousing flop. Partly because the car (92 Sable) was three tires in the grave; but mostly because of my lack of conviction. This time around I did loads of research, set a minimum price, and organized all the repair paperwork. That translated into a firm conviction and a car off our hands.

With the car sold (hopefully) we will have more time around the house. Selling the car, along with holiday preparations and a very hectic December at work has kept me busy (and from posting). The harried schedule has also left me very tired. After driving to the mother-in-law's this morning, I promptly fell asleep for 3 hours. I sleep very well (and often) when we come to Philly.

December 07, 2004

The Dark Tower

Last night, I finished reading the seventh and final book of the Dark Tower series. Since it was due back to the library on Monday, I raced through the last two sections this weekend. A large number of passages in the story left deep impressions in my mind. Not surprisingly, the deepest were the most heartbreaking moments of the tale.

These sections gave me a glimpse of certain events that, while a long, long way off, will eventually came due. And break my heart.

I was so disturbed by these sections that I continued to read them over, even after finishing the book. I was actually glad to be returning the book to the library. There was great temptation to continue re-reading those pages. However, there is no point in focusing on eventual events in the distant future; not when you can enjoy the moments you have right now.