December 22, 2003

The following people need to either sign in the comment section or send me an email with thier current mailing address:

Kim Hunter

see comments section for email address.

December 17, 2003

Congrats and Concerns

Congrats to Sam & his law school chaps on the completion of yet another law semester...

Concerns to Adam and the status of him and his lady. That shit is troublesome, yo. You doing alright?

It's Christmas outside, baby

Granted it not hard to notice when Christmas has arrived (according to the commerce sector it's three days before Thanksgiving) however there have been a few signs that may or may not have been directed at yours truly.

Sign 1: Santa Claus ridding atop a fire truck through my neighborhood on a Friday night.

Sign 2: I cut a 20 minute holiday video/DVD for our company's CEO who is overseas serving his country. Inbetween interviews by veteran and new employees alike, as well as shots of the building decked out I stuck songs from this holiday cd.

Sign 3: Various packages arrive at the house every couple of evenings. The doorbell rings and either the fiancé or I jump up to get the package and whisk it away for wrapping later depending on which of us is expecting something to arrive in the mail.


December 10, 2003

The Squakbox comment that transformed into a blog

I remember reading in the history books that it took a lot of persuasion in both the U.S. and in Europe to actually insert some physical or political pressure against the events in occurring in Germany.

After all it did take the attack at Pearl Harbor to convince America that there was a good fight to fight across the pond.

I think historical times (50's, 60's 40's et al) seem black & white because public opinion has been reinforced by every generation reading the same streamlined historical account in our history textbooks.

Or maybe because World War II was a successful choice; it certainly had a successful effect in Europe, France, Germany, Poland -that effect being freedom. Those people had their land, liberty, and justice returned to them (although some got it later than others, i.e. East and West Germany).

Vietnam certainly was not a successful military choice. More than two decades later it is still viewed as an unsuccessful military decision, not matter how noble its original intentions. When Vietnam's conclusion reaches its 50 year anniversary I doubt it will be viewed any differently. This one won't age well.

But will the Afghanistan/Iraq conflict be viewed as a having a positive effect on those countries and a positive effect on the international community in 50 years? I think it depends what comes out it. If in the end the US and its allies leave the proper framework for a democratic country to flourish, grow, and sustain itself, then yes. If not, then it may be yet another black mark on the US; one more chance for US leaders and society to second-guess our country as an arrogant aggressor. If in five years all the US government can brag about is that they brought those 'liberated' countries cell phone service and Levi's but not the ability to self-govern then I believe this will not be considered the correct choice and will haunt Bush Jr's. administration for the ages.

And no airport or building re-naming or a presidential mug on some American currency will diminish that blemish from Bush Jr's record.

December 09, 2003

So I'm lazy and obnixous. Thanks, Kim, I really wanted to know that ;-)

you are aquamarine

Your dominant hues are cyan and green. Although you definately strive to be logical you care about people and know there's a time and place for thinking emotionally. Your head rules most things but your heart rules others, and getting them to meet in the middle takes a lot of your energy some days.

Your saturation level is medium - You're not the most decisive go-getter, but you can get a job done when it's required of you. You probably don't think the world can change for you and don't want to spend too much effort trying to force it.

Your outlook on life is very bright. You are sunny and optimistic about life and others find it very encouraging, but remember to tone it down if you sense irritation.
the html color quiz

December 08, 2003

Wedding Update! with Tina Fay....

well not quite but now that you are here you may as well read the rest.
Wedding related events are progressing nicely. We have a place, a photographer, a lighting designer (in place of flowers) and the bride-to-be has a dress. I am still without clothing but I'm sure that issue will resolve itself before the wedding. Aside from being responsible for the photographer (success) and the DJ (let's not go there right now) I also have the responsibility of being the enforcer. This part of the wedding planning is actually my favorite. I go to all the meetings and let the missus do most of the talking. Then we leave the place and are promised a proposal in a timely manner. This becomes a lie and the proposal never arrives in a timely manor. Now this is the part I like: I get to call and 'enforce' the promised timeline. I'll call up our potential service-providers and politely remind them of their promise of a timely proposal. And they are all apologies and excuses, which gives a nice power-trip high. Then the proposal comes (yea!) and then we see how much is costs (eh).
Still it's fun to be the hardass in these situations. People really seem to listen when there is thousands of potential dollars to be had.

December 02, 2003

The company I work for occasionally loans out certainly employees to a big name non-profit foundation in the city. I am one of the few employees that have television studio experience so I sometimes head over to this company's studio to assist in the filming of web casts. Like today I was asked to assist with a web cast that discussed the pros and cons of ordering prescription drugs online and from Canada. An interesting topic and educational, no doubt; exciting - not really. Tomorrow’s web cast, now that one will be exciting. Probably the most excited web cast that this company does in the next five years. Why? Because tomorrow's speaker is Bono (yes, U2's Bono). As if that wasn't enough all the international and local new bureaus have been invited to tape it as well. Of course even if I wanted to go and meet 1) someone famous (Bono) or 2) rub elbows with news media persons (CNN, ABC, NBC, NPR etc) I'm not available. Why? Because all this is going on at the same time I have my dentist appointment which I had to reschedule last week because I was ill. Sigh.

I guess it's better to have a full head of healthy teeth than to meet some famous dude from Ireland.