One Ring to Screw It All Up
This past Sunday I had one of the most terrifying moments of my married life. We were playing kickball on a very, very cool afternoon. During the first inning in the field I successfully scored an out by throwing the ball at a runner. What I didn't know was that I also threw my ring at them. Of course, I didn't notice this until the next inning when I was standing on second base. Instead of telling my wife that I'd lost my wedding band I kept my mouth shut, hoping that I could find it before she noticed. As three innings passed I did my best to keep my mind in the game. That proved difficult because I kept scanning the ground for my ring. Inbetween innings I would walk the field scanning the grass. At the top of the 4th I finally found my ring along the 2nd and 3rd base line. As I walked over to pick it up, my wife asked me where I was going since I was walking away from our 'dugout'. Fortunately, since I found my ring I didn't have to lie.
After I explained the timeline of events to her, she told me that it was best I didn't tell her until I found it because she would have burst into tears and probably stopped the game to make everyone look for it. There were time where I thought I to do the same (without the crying, obviously)