Ah, today was much better than yesterday. Yesterday was all panic during my one hour of unwinding. During the hour long block of Simpson's reruns no less. I received three hectic phone calls. The first was from my fiancé’s mother who was panicked about all the weddings - both the fiancé’s & I, as well as the middle sister's. The second was from my mother who was panicked because my sister was stranded on the side of the road in Jersey and was panicking herself. So I then called my sister who was having tire-trauma and panic stricken because she wasn't sure her insta-flat patch would get her to the nearest tire center. When I asked her why she didn't just slap on the spare tire/donut tire she told me she didn't know how to do it, or where to look for the tools. What's worse is neither does her live-in boyfriend. Sigh.
People! Please, if you don't know how to change your tire, get out of your chair and get your driver's manual from your car. It's not a particularly exciting read, but it will explain all. Trust me.
The evening did get better though. I saw "Belle & Sebastian" play at the 930 club. A very good concert - the sound was incredible; the set list was amazing (mostly "Tigermilk", "Sinister", and the 1st three EPs, for those that care); and the banter was hilarious. The opening band - Slumber Party - was rather trite, but they did support Sam's theory of bass-players. Sam will probably want to clarity the theory himself, but it amounts to 'generally, bass players are the coolest looking person in the band'. And this bass player was also a chick, which I believe generates double cool points according to the theory. Since we are on the topic of Sam, I'm glad that the SoCal fires aren't cramping his temperature (although it seems to be curling his temperament). I still feel bad for all the victims though. Poor souls.
Time to end these mad ramblings. I've decided that I should do some graphic designing at home at least once a week to up my design chops. And I've decided that tonight is the night I should start. It's the middle of the week, seems like a good choice.
Peace all