November 30, 2003


Success! I'm no longer racked with illness! It's so nice to be let out of the house again. Not that I did a whole lot once out but at least it was something productive - like registering for wedding gifts. We wondered around the store scanning anything that caught our fancy then got hanged a print out of our selections. After looking at the print out I realized that we have expensive taste in home furnishing, none of our friends can afford such pricey items and they will hate us for it. HA!

Monday we be my first day back in the office after missing a week of work. Granted one day was a holiday and I already requested another day off. Still, not having to work for a whole week was niiiiiice. A fella could get used to that life. I image its Sam's life is like! HA! Just kidding.

'Saight. I'm outta hear.

November 28, 2003

Sick...Really sick....then BETTER

Monday the illness took a turn for the worse. Tuesday I went to doctor who told me I had pneumonia and prescribed me antibiotics.

Really sick:
Said antibiotics made me throw up all day. So I got new antibiotics that didn't make me ralf up my much needed nourishment.

After that I got much better.

Of course, not fast enough to systematically mess up 4 different persons' Thanksgiving plans. Nothing like that to make you feel important. Everyone was headed to fiancé’s aunt's house for thanksgiving dinner. However, when the fiancé and I bowed out, my mum and my sister and her BF had to change directions down to DC. With 5 less people coming to dinner in Allentown PA there was a lot of leftover food at the fiancé’s aunt's. D'oh.

Dispite the change in plans, the fiance and I had a lovely thanksgiving dinner today. Afterwards, we went of to the mum's to have dessert with her, sister and sister's BF. I hope everyone had a great thanksgiving. Mine was the best I could hope for.

peace out

November 24, 2003


If you were the same room as me this morning you'd hear this: *hack*cough*sniff*cough*cough*. Yep, I'm sick. I started feeling ill late Saturday night but it wasn't until Sunday afternoon that the fever and cough came on full steam. So I called in sick this morning to work. Which is unusual for me - I don't usually miss anything because of an illness. I must have some sort of complex because I always think that I'm not that sick I can’t go to class/work/social function. Of course this always made the illness worse turning it into something that hung around for weeks. I don't know when, but it seems I've strayed from that tendency. One school of thought is that it's better to stay home and rest up rather then pushing my immune system to the limit while it is trying to cure me of the virus The other school of thought is that I stay home out of respect for the public; contain the illness rather than spread it around.

Hopefully the flu shot I received a few months ago will speed my recovery. I certainly don't want to be ill during Thanksgiving. There is so much going on: Food, hot tub, food, touch-football, food, dessert and food.

November 20, 2003

A week of wedding

This was (one of many, I’m sure) a week of wedding activities. Surely nothing as grand as the last days before the wedding, but those unglamorous, behind the scenes stuff. Tuesday we found one of those old photo booths and took a couple of pictures inside so I can start designing the "save-the-date" cards. Tonight we went to a caterer in Georgetown DC for a menu tasting. The food was good; the people were not as impressive. The owner was all right, but her assistant or whatever she is was a complete nut job. She complained about her bum ankle, her family, her job et al. I might have been a bit more receptive to all that IF she had not spent 30 mins on the phone while we sat waiting for her, with nothing to do (or eat). I don't want to sound cruel, but if I'm only a contract away from giving someone more money that I've ever owned (or technically have at this point) I expect undivided attention. I'm not your friend, I don't want to be your friend, I simply want you to do your job and get on with it. It was the unprofessionalism that got to me.

I get my annual review at work tom. That should be "fun". At least I'll get all that bonus and raise money that they promised us when we 'agreed' as a company to forgo bonuses and raises last year during the shitty economy. That is if they keep their promise

Oh, tonight's ER looks sweet so it’s time to go. I like things that crash and explode.

November 16, 2003

Last week was a long, long, long week that seemed like it would never end. And that's bad because I had Monday off! Nothing really made it a 'bad' week; it just seemed to take for.ever for Friday to roll around. That may have been because this weekend was our trip up to NYC to hang out with the sister and her BF. The wait was certainly worth it! Most of the people I know would agree that NYC rocks, but this weekend was cool thanks to all the little things. My kid sister and her BF were our tour guides. Instead of hearing things like 'this building is notable because of 'x' piece of social history', we heard things like 'this is the trashcan I puked in on my 20th birthday', 'this is where our friends witnessed a massive fight between jazz nerds' and so on.

Since we stayed at my sister's apartment in Hoboken, I spent my first 15 minutes walking around the apartment recognizing things that she took from our mom's house to decorate with. My sister and I got a big kick out of it. Highlights of the weekend were getting shop at Other Music, an excellent dinner out, and seeing the fiancé’s friend Jen. The one low-point was missing out on "The Matrix Revolutions" on an IMAX screen. That would have been kick-ass.

Regardless, now I want to move to NYC.

November 10, 2003

We played our last kickball game of the year. We, of course, lost but we played out best losing game all season. There were a number of clutch catches and outs as well as a lot of runs scored by us (4!). I was 1 for 1 at the plate with a double and 2 RBI’s; I made 3 outs, including the 3rd out with the bases loaded. All in all, if we had to lose at least we came away looking like a competent team. Kickball won't resume until the spring when we will switch (yet again) to another league. I am thinking about trying out another co-ed organized sport - flag football - but we shall see. Maybe I can do both next spring.

The wedding weekend was a lovely affair. Highlights were the actual wedding, dancing at the reception, hanging out with the soon-to-be-family, and taking the bride-to-be out for her 'bridal party". Now, I know that normally that is an all girl affair; however there were many things about this wedding that were not normal, such as the bridal party. The bride didn't want strippers, booze and anything of those things. So we devised an evening at the arcade for skeeball and video games. The BF of the youngest sister and I snuck away occasionally to play "Time Crisis II" and "LA Machine Gunners" - the latter being my fav. arcade game. And since I love video games and I don't know or particularly understand the groom I chose to hang out w/ the fiancé, sisters and younger sister's BF.

November 06, 2003

"Lisa, it's your birthday"

I just finished watching the 1st two episodes of "The Simpson's Third Season" DVD. The third season is really the place to start. The first two seasons are good, but the writing and the guest are just that much better during the third season. The DVD starts off with "Stark Raving Dad" where Homer get committed and meets a person impersonating Michael Jackson. For me, the best part is when Bart and Michael write a song for Lisa's birthday. Don’t ask, I don't know why.

In other news we are heading up to Philly this weekend for the fiancé’s sister's wedding. Since I have absolutely no responsibilities to the wedding party, I am looking forward to seeing all my to-be-relatives (yikes!). There's rumors of me getting to hole up in the basement with fiancé’s younger sister and BF watching Simpson's & Futurama DVDs (they both are fans)

I'm still not used to the Day-lights Savings adjustment. Leaving work, running errands, lugging junk into the home seems more of a pain in the dark; and its been raining a lot these days so it's dark dark.